Thursday, 8 March 2012

sorry its been so long...

Ok so a lot has happened since i arrived in London on Saturday evening... So here's the last ( days bullet point fasion...

  • Was finally found by Joe in starbucks and had a great evening hanging out.
  • May have broken spokes by pulling trike away whilest still locked up
  • Slept in
  • Went to apple store to get phone fixed
  • Went to bike shop for new spokes
  • Met up with my freind Luke for coffee
  • Visited a really cool squat my freind Bruno now lives in
  • Hung out with Joe and his brother Chris, drank whisky and watched 'Son of Rambo'
  • Said goodbye to Joe
  • wheeled trike to Bruno's place and he helped me change my spokes
  • New spokes didn't fit
  • Got more spokes - Bruno is a legend!
  • Convinced Bruno to come for a 'short' days ride
  • Follwed the Thames 'Cycle Route'
  • Carried bikes of lots of gates
  • Broke more spokes
  • Gave up on Cycyle route and headed for the Road
  • Carried bikes over more gates and got stuck in the mud
  • It got dark
  • It got hilly
  • finnally arrived in Gillingham at 9:30
  • Stayed with a cool guy called Sid from Inda who's a student there
  • Ate pizza
  • Said goodbye to Sid and Bruno at Midday
  • Right knee really painful
  • Lots of hills
  • Lots more hills
  • Prayed for knee
  • Knee alot better
  • More hills (Don't cycle in Kent)
  • Arived in Dover at 8pm
  • Stayed with a guy called Rob who lives at the top of the hill!
  • Gave up cycling and pushed
  • Rob cooked an amasing roast dinner and was forgiven for living at the top of the hill
  • Said goodbye to rob and headed for the ferry
  • Got ticket and qued up with cars
  • Statrted to rain very hard
  • Got soaked through and the hid inside a waiting bus for shelter
  • Hung clothes out to dry on the ferry which didn't work
  • Arrived in Calais!
  • Forgot which level I left my bike on so ran up and down lots of step trying to find it
  • Finally got off the ferry and onto dry (ish) land
  • No hills but lots of rain
  • Finally arrived in Dunkerque at 7pm and stayed with Zarko and his wife
Thursday (Today)
  • Got up at 7:30 and Zarko made an amasing breakfast
  • Set out at 9am with the sun shining and Zarko who is also a cyclist (not sure if i am one yet)
  • Had coffee and cake and Zarko had beer (was a bit early for me!)
  • Crossed the border into Belgium! and said goodbye to Zarko
  • Belgium is greqt for cycling, no hills and great roads
  • Had bread and honey curousy of Zarko for lunch sat on the side of a river
  • Got lost in a town i can't spell
  • Finnally found my way again and arived at Lucienne and Chris' House just south of Brugge
  • Talked Lots about Cycling and Cycling Maps
  • Had a wonderful Meal and was introduced to chicory
  • Talked more bicycles and about being oranised (or not)
  • Now writing my blog whilest Chris is looking up Tricycle mechanics for some repairs tomorrow
... So there you go i'll try and write more often now.   


  1. I can't belive your in belgum already! it sounds like a lot of fun but also stressful. x

    1. hey han,
      yeh its all prety crazy had a really nice time in brugge though. made some good freinds. i saw your post about your faviroute gingers:) thanks i'm honered, if i did a post about my faviriroute gingers youd be right up there! hope your doing well. x josh

  2. So Josh, we just said goodbye to you this morning.
    I made a post on my blog about your visit.
    Have a safe trip and keep in touch.

    Lucienne and Chris.
